General info in english

Skrifað af Super User. Posted in Um okkur

Selfoss Pentecost Church is a vibrant church in Selfoss, South Iceland, seeking to encourage and equip people to reach connect with God, connect with one another and connect with our community. We love having visitors. You can join us on Sunday mornings 11am or come and pray with us mon-fri at 6pm. Our address is: Austurvegur 40b, Selfoss (close to the Netto supermarket).

For more info, drop us a line or check us out on Facebook

The Creed of the Pentecostal Movement in Iceland

Skrifað af Super User. Posted in Um okkur

Confession: Jesus is Lord (1Cor 12:3)

  1. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and reliable word of God. (2. Tim. 3:16)
  2. We believe in an eternal God, triadic, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. (Isa. 40:28; Matt. 3:16-17; Joh. 1:18; 10:30).
  3. We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of Mary. He who was God renounced everything and came forth as a man, his life was without sin and perfect. (Luke. 1:35; Phil. 2:7; Heb. 4:15).
  4. We believe that the forgiveness of sins and peace with God can only be achieved because of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. This sacrifice was perfect and redeems those who repent of their sins. Redemption is received through grace, through faith, and is undeserved. It is the gift of God to all those who confess Jesus Christ. (Joh. 3:16; Ephes. 2:8; Col. 2:13-15; Rom. 10:9-10).
  5. We believe that Jesus rose from the dead, ascended up to the heavens and sits at the right hand of God the father. (Joh. 20:20; Acts. 1: 1-3, 9; 1 Cor. 15:3-4).
  6. We await the coming of Jesus Christ when he will carry his church to meet him. We expect the new heavens and the new earth where justice resides. (Acts. 1:9-11; Rev. 21:1; 2. Pet. 3:13).
  7. Those who choose to follow Jesus Christ are given the Holy Spirit. He transforms ways of thinking and behavior like the Bible teaches. Christian becomes more like Jesus in their word, works, and attitude. (Gal. 5:22-23; Rom.12:2; 2. Cor.5:17; Heb. 12:14; 2.Pet. 3:11).
  8. We believe in the validity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the spirit, as they are described in the New Testament. (Acts. 1:8; 1. Cor. 12 and14; Ephes. 4:11-12).
  9. We believe that the Christian Church is founded by Jesus to be a means for God's works to be carried out on earth, that baptism in water is only for those who accept Jesus Christ as their savior. We baptize by immersion, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord and in the name of the Trinity. Communion only carries meaning for those who have received the grace of God and are the followers of Jesus Christ. (Col. 1:18, Matt. 28:19).
  10. We believe in eternal life for those who have received redemption and eternal perdition for those who reject the salvation of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 25:46; Joh.3:16; 1. Thess. 4:17).

Um okkur

Skrifað af Aron Hinriksson. Posted in Um okkur

Hvítasunnukirkjan á Selfossi hefur starfað síðan snemma á 6. áratug síðustu aldar. Kirkjan er hluti af Hvítasunnukirkjunni á Íslandi sem er hópur kirkna víða um land sem tengist og vinnu að sameiginlegum kristnum verkefnum. Framan af stóð Hvítasunnukirkjan á Selfossi einkum að barnastarfi en á síðustu árum hefur kirkjan vaxið talsvert og þar fer nú fram fjölbreytt starf fyrir allan aldur. Áhersla er á samfélagslega þætti s.s. hjálparstarf, heimahópa, barna og unglingastarf o.s.frv.

Allir eru innilega velkomnir í heimsókn:)

Hver erum við?

Hvítasunnukirkjan á Selfossi hefur starfað síðan snemma á 6. áratug síðustu aldar. Kirkjan er hluti af Hvítasunnukirkjunni á Íslandi sem er hópur kirkna víða um land sem tengist og vinnu að sameiginlegum kristnum verkefnum. Framan af stóð Hvítasunnukirkjan á Selfossi einkum að barnastarfi en á síðustu árum hefur kirkjan vaxið talsvert og þar fer nú fram fjölbreytt starf fyrir allan aldur. Áhersla er á samfélagslega þætti s.s. hjálparstarf, heimahópa, 12 spora starf, barna og unglingastarf o.s.frv.

Allir eru innilega velkomnir í heimsókn:)


Unglingastarf vetrarins fer fram á midvikudögum kl: 19:30 í Hvítasunnukirkjunni. Unglingaleiðtogi er Pierre Roger Eriksson.

Allir unglingar á milli 13 - 21ára eruð velkomnir.

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Hvítasunnukirkjan á Selfossi